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Summary: Jacob Black is a detective with a bad habit of falling for the suspects he believes to be innocent. This is a series with self-contained chapters that are sometimes unrelated to one another.
Rated: M
Couple(s): Pairings are multiple (though they all contain Jacob Black)
You can read Love Undercover on both livejournal and fanfiction.net, but either way you go remember to give Slashy some love!
Our inaugural post in The Recc-ers' Cafe will be a joint reading by Avari and Starry. Their selected reading project (picked out by Starry and shoved down Avari's throat) is Love Undercover by SlashyDrunkard. Avari and I will be doing these joint projects once a month (probably, possibly twice this month) and posting them on Saturdays (except this time). So keep an eye out for them in addition to our individual reccomendations and reviews, and maybe some guest recc-er chicks!
We'll kick this sucker off with me and I'd like it to be known that I have a soft/hard spot for EmmettJacob, even more so when Jacob tops Emmett...but, more on that later. ;) I'll admit that I'll read just about any damned thing Slashy'll write. I've been following his fanfiction for awhile. I'm a massive fan. I know this, he knows this, Avari knows this...and now you do too.
I've read EmmettJacob before (note that Emmett is before Jacob) and, I have to say, it's a guilty pleasure of mine whenever I decided to step away from EdwardJacob or, in most cases, I can't fucking find a good fanfiction with the couple...Jakeward, I mean. Love Undercover (Chapter 1: Emmett) was a delightful surprise in between livejournal's massive fuck ups and my oftentimes rageful fangirl...rage? (Hey, I'm going through Jakeward withdrawls here, sue me).
I'll be honest and say that I nearly passed Love Undercover up because I have issues reading stories where Jacob's with someone else, but for some reason I can handle Jacob fucking other people more easily than I can Edward doing the same. So, *shrugs*. I guess you can say that I'm down with Jacob being a manwhore and fucking multiple dudes...though, I'll tell you right now (you readers and Slashy), Jacob and Carlisle together squicks the fuck out of me. But for Slashy, I'd try anything once, maybe twice if he completely blows my mind...which he's good at doing.
It goes without saying that the first thing, the very first fucking thing that I noticed about this story was the fact that Jacob topped over Emmett. Now, I don't know about you, but that's hella hot. I've never ran across that pairing before because Emmett's just this hunk of macho man juice that could top a fucking African lion if he wanted to and the fucking cat would LOVE it and BEG for more!!
Okay, so I might be exaggerating a bit, but you get the idea.
I love, love, love how Slashy kept to the canon descriptions of both characters; both physically and personality wise. It makes it seem all the more realistic and mind blowing because, damnit, Jacob fucking Black is topping Emmett and he's such an in his character bottom that it's magical. Who wouldn't love that?
Before I close this bad boy down and hand the mic over to Avari, let me get in one last fangirl session over the fact that Jacob isn't the perfect lover in this. He isn't super awesome at giving head and he's comfortable enough with himself to admit this and overcome it in other ways. I've got to stand up and applaud this because that's what good fanfiction is all about. It made me squee nearly as much as the 'Cullen case'--now to figure out which Cullen! (EDIT: This has been spoiled to me, but I shall not give the information :P)
And, now, on to Avari!!
Who can go wrong with starting a story that describes the steamy dirtiness of sex? SlashyD certainly doesn't. The first chapter of "Love Undercover" is...in a word...delicious. I really enjoyed the comparison of Jacob & Emmett in their everyday lives vs. what they look like at this current moment, caught in a moment of passion. An even better fact is that SlashyD drug out the particular diritiness of sex; starting with the fucking and then moving on to foreplay, it was an interesting way of doing things. And! The fact that Jacob has faults during sex! Not eveyone can do every little trick in the book. Love the fact that Jacob can't deep throat. The ending of the chapter comes across as a little abrupt but giving the events that are happening it translates well. Overall? I'm hungry for more.
And, now, on to Avari!!
Who can go wrong with starting a story that describes the steamy dirtiness of sex? SlashyD certainly doesn't. The first chapter of "Love Undercover" is...in a word...delicious. I really enjoyed the comparison of Jacob & Emmett in their everyday lives vs. what they look like at this current moment, caught in a moment of passion. An even better fact is that SlashyD drug out the particular diritiness of sex; starting with the fucking and then moving on to foreplay, it was an interesting way of doing things. And! The fact that Jacob has faults during sex! Not eveyone can do every little trick in the book. Love the fact that Jacob can't deep throat. The ending of the chapter comes across as a little abrupt but giving the events that are happening it translates well. Overall? I'm hungry for more.
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