Sunday, August 7, 2011


By YouarenotMe

Summary: Mike is a driven young man, hard working, and eager to please his father. But Mike Newton has a secret...perhaps he has a few. In small town like Forks, Mike feels alone and desperately wants a break in his routine.
Rated: M
Couple(s): Mike/Eric, Mike/Edward, Jasper/Mike, Jasper/Mike/Edward

 I'll be straight up about when I first saw the buzz for this fic on twitter; I ignored it. Why? Easy, his name is Mike Newton and I do not like him. I don't like him, but do harbor a soft spot for Edward and Mike…in that order. Edward and Mike, Edward/Mike, as in Edward fucking the fuck out of Mike. But, Homophobe, is not EdwardMike. It's MikeEdward. Now, now, now. I know what you're thinking; "Silly Starry!! Where's the issue in Mike being dominate over Edward?"

*pauses* Do you hear yourself. Mike. Mike fucking Newton screwing Edward who's a vampire Cullen. My brain just exploded, but you know what? I read the story anyway. Cause that soft spot, remember? That and I promised myself I'd branch out more in the fandom…though I still haven't branched out into Jaspard and Carlward, one step at a time, right? Anyway

I started reading it and YouarenotMe blew me away with Mike's characterization. He was more than just that 2D teenage boy that lusted after Bella that Stephanie Meyer mass produced throughout The Twilight Saga. He had layers. He had goals and dreams, issues and problems, and secrets. He had those too. He was like any other teenage boy I knew while I was a teenager myself, which made me connect because it felt like I knew him.

I had goals and dreams, issues and problems, and secrets. I had those too, we all had those and that's why YouarenotMe wins this round for making Mike Newton into a human being. It was the characterization that pulled me in, but it was the trails Mike faced and how he dealt with them that kept me reading.

It's a given that he's go issues, it wouldn't be a story without come conflict. The biggest conflict present in the story, I think, is Mike vs. himself. He's denying who he is while trying to be what everyone wants him to be. It's sad, but so realistic. You can't help but to feel sorry for him and really applaud him when he does something for himself, even when it's getting head from Eric and then turning into an epic asshole who isn't gay.

Slowly, with help from Edward and Jasper, he begins to accept who he is and starts to deal with the fact that he gets hard for other men. Things come to a head when he comes out to his father and, well, he's got no choice but to turn tail and run after that.

And, trust me, once you read and see how his Dad is…you'll understand why.

Even after he's came out to his father, he still struggles with the fact that he's gay. The only time, I think, he isn't struggling with who he is is when he's with Edward and Jasper. It's obvious, painfully obvious in fact, how Edward and Jasper feel about Mike. Though, I'll admit that I sometimes wonder if Jasper's feelings are as powerful as Edward's towards Mike.

Then, of course, we've got Mike's feelings towards them. He feels something for them, yes, but he's struggling with the feelings he's realizing he has for Eric. In the end, he realizes that his feelings for Eric are…

…ha, ha, ha. You didn't think I was going to tell you, did you? If you want to know, I'll guess you'll just have to read, won't you?

Please keep in mind that Homophobe is an ongoing story. With that said, expect more reviews from me concerning up-coming chapters. Why? Because I can.

You can read Homophobe here at Remember to give YouarenotMe some love if you read the story!

EDIT: Remember those updates that I mentioned, well, one happened before I was able to post this review so I'll jot down my thoughts before I post this puppy!

First off, I've got to say, kudos to Mike for standing up to his dad. It was fan-fucking-tastic and made me fangirl hardcore. It seems like the issues with his father have finally come to pass and now he can focus on the rest.

More of his relationship with Edward and Jasper are revealed and we learn that he doesn't, in fact, feel the same for Jasper and Edward as they feel towards him. Well, I should say he doesn't feel for Edward as Edward feels for him. Which, I have to admit, is sad.

This chapter, however, left me wondering about Eric and Mike. It's obvious, by now, how Mike feels about Eric and I'm curious as to whether or not something will happen between them and if it does how it will pan out once Mike leaves for college.

This story is, really, wrapping up beautifully and I can't wait to see things come to fruition.

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